Question: Why would this be the case when you gave three blessings to address all these (1. Cover page: The grace to be interested/captivated 2. Foreword: The grace to understand 3. Foreword: The grace to receive the blessings given)?
God’s answer:
Question: Can you give a blessing of some sort to make sure that every person, who even glances at the cover page will become poor in spirit?
God’s answer:
Question: God, why not?
God’s answer:
To force somebody’s hand means to make someone do something they do not want to do, or act sooner than they had intended.7
To force feed means to force (someone) to read, listen to, or learn (something).8
8, 'Definition Of FORCE–FEED' (2016) <http://www.merriam-–feed> accessed 26 February 2016.